24 Hour Hotline: 406-676-0800

This project made possible by
Grant Number: 13-V01-91524 MBCC VOCA FY 2014

Frequently Asked Questions

[accordion-item title=”How do I get to the Shelter?”]The shelter location is confidential to ensure safety. If you call the 24-hour crisis line at 676-0800 an advocate will talk with you about your individual situation to better understand your needs and will give you information about available options. Together you can decide what is the best course of action.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”What should I bring?”]If you can bring important paperwork included on the list below it is helpful, however do not jeopardize your safety in order to find these documents.

  • Birth certificates for you and your children
  • Driver’s license
  • Tribal Id
  • Marriage License
  • Insurance Info
  • Children’s vaccine and school records
  • Social Security cards,
  • Divorce papers (parenting plans)
  • Medications
  • Banking information
  • Food stamp, WIC or other public assistance info
  • Immigration documents, visa, green card, citizenship certificate.
  • Passport
  • Paystub
  • Clothes for yourself and children

(Basic food supplies, bath towels, bed linens and personal care items are provided.)[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”What is the shelter like?”]At the shelter you will have your own bedroom with your children. The bathrooms, kitchen, living room and dining room are all common areas for all women and children to share. There is a fenced play yard for the children to enjoy time outside. The shelter is within walking distance of a Flathead Transit bus stop and during the school year the school bus will pick up children from the shelter.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”What does it cost to stay at the shelter?”]SAFE Harbor does not charge for those staying at the shelter.  This is service that is provided with the support of the local community and other programs from around the country.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”How long can I stay at the shelter?”]Initially, you can stay for up to 30 days. Depending on your circumstances, the period for residency can be extended.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”What is an Order of Protection?”]An order of protection is a court order, signed by a judge, which prohibits the person who has harmed you or threatened to harm you, from having further contact with you. There is no requirement that the abuse be reported to law enforcement. There is no filing fee for orders of protection.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Who is Eligible for an Order of Protection?”]You can petition for an order of protection if the person abusing you, or threatening to abuse you, is a family member, intimate partner or former intimate partner. There is no relationship requirement for victims of sexual assault, incest or stalking.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Where Do I File for an Order of Protection?”]An order can be filed in city, justice or district court. If you and the respondent have any court actions filed in district court (i.e. divorce and/or custody action), the order should be filed in district court.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”How Can I File for an Order of Protection?”]Order forms are available in the city, justice, and district court offices. The SAFE Harbor Legal Assistance staff also has order forms, and a trained legal advocate available to assist you in completing the necessary paperwork. The advocate can also accompany you to court to file your order of protection, and can attend the hearing with you, to make the order permanent. To contact the SAFE Harbor Legal Assistance Team call 676-0800.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”What types of counseling services does SAFE Harbor provide?”]The program has advocates who work with all clients, either in person, over the phone or at the shelter if they choose to be a resident. In addition, SAFE Harbor has counselors who can also meet with clients one to one at a confidential location. SAFE Harbor’s Support Group for survivors and thrivers of domestic violence meets every Tuesday night. It is facilitated by a local counselor and focuses on survivors exploring their challenges and moving forward to a place of empowerment and strength. The SAFE Harbor staff visits with each client to see which type of support might benefit them the most.

If you are interested in attending, please call (406) 676-0800[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Are there counseling services for children?”]SAFE Harbor has outside counselors who consult for the program and are able to provide one to one counseling for children.  Each case is assessed individually to see which services are the best fit. Children’s Program meets on Tuesday nights (concurrent with Support Group) and is for children of all ages who have witnessed domestic violence in their homes.

To see if your child is a good fit for the Children’s Program, please call (406) 676-0800[/accordion-item]